Snakes are very kewl i love them but people kill them all the time if you leave them alone and just look at them they wont bother you
its because of disney.
they made movies like the jungle book where the snake is a bad guy. but in nature there are no "bad" guys, just hungry ones.
cause some are poisinous
I hate them but its because i am scared of them.
HAVE you hugged your snake to day?
I hate them, lord but I hate them.
Probably because they look creepy, and some are killers.
people who know nothing about snakes think that all snakes are venemous, and they are going to bite you, or eat you. This isnt true with most snakes. Especially corn snakes. They are not really a threat to humans, unless its like a python or a rattlesnake
i dont no ther awsome maybe because there slimy. not!! omg who ever sed that shud be shot
I agree with all of the above answers but also it's because some people think there slimy. but there slick and cool.
people are scared of them for some bizar reason. I never touched a snake or gotten up close but i want to.they are very intresting reptiles.
Snakes are tolerable, when I was a child I loved all such animals and I picked them up in a forest, etc. But in my country we don't have poisonous snakes. That also concerns spiders - they are not dangerous. BUT - I hate them, I'm afraid of them and I can't stand them.
People ar afraid of them. why else would they do that?? Sakes aren't a very attractive animals/reptiles. They aren't things you can cuddle with or sleep with at night so they can keep you warm at night. People just don't/can't love them like other animals.
After God created the earth,satan took the form of a serpent and,as a result, Adam and Eve sinned. God told Adaam that because he sinned, he would have to work the ground. Eve would have pain in child birth. And the serpent would crawl on its stomache and be hated by men.
I think people hate snakes because that's what they've been educated to do. Kids don't hate snakes. Its only when they get older that they get phobias and dislikes from parents, friends, the media etc.
The funny thing is - the same people that are terrified of snakes are terrified of rats and mice. In certain parts of the world if it wasn't for the snakes they would be overrun with rodents. No matter how ugly, mean and venemous or cute, furry and cuddly, all animals have been put here for a purpose and, with a very finely balanced eco-system, to thrive ourselves we need to let them thrive too.
Unfortunately, human beings tend to not like what they do not understand. Snakes aren't mainstream creatures. Therefore, most people do not have tolerance for them.
Snakes are wonderful animals; beautiful to look at, efficient vermin killers, silent, peaceful, and the personification of strength %26 grace. Even venomous snakes, when viewed in the proper context, are wonderful and fascinating animals. They do not know they're venomous so they can't be blamed for having venom, it's just a tool they use for catching prey. Venomous snakes aren't out to "get" anyone but their food. Given the opportunity almost all snakes, venomous or not, will make every effort to avoid contact with humans - or anything larger than prey.
I've frequently seen snakes "DOR", which is a reptile enthusiast's shorthand for "Dead On Road". To even a slightly trained eye, it's often clear they were run over on purpose, even if the snake is completely harmless and totally benificial to everyone.
Why do people hate them? Lack of education, lack of understanding, lack of tolerance, lack of empathy, lack of respect. If people would take the time to learn about them and understand their unique niche in Mother Nature's plan, there would be more snakes, fewer rats %26 mice invading our homes %26 food supplies, and happier people.
Keep an open mind and educate people whenever you can, that's all you can do!
i love snakes there great when i was little i would have cach them and have them for pets i would find a big snake once in a while i dont know if you herd of them but there hognose snake there big there kinnda like a radle snake but they arent and theres green snakes garder ornge belly oh i love snakes.
cause people are dumb uneducated people they hate them cause they don't know alot about them they think they dangerous and stuff but its all about what u know realy
i love snakes and all reptiles cause i know a hella lot about them
They freak me out terribly.not because I'm not educated.I know they can't all kill me, but that doesn't mean I have to like them! I don't even like the fake ones..or seeing them on TV. They in my opinion aren't natural----how the heck are they moving around like they do without legs?! and lizards are just snakes with legs if you ask me! I guess all in all-everyone has their fears-you are probably scared of things that don't bother me at all!
I personally like snakes. A lot of people don't like them because
#1 they don't have legs or fur
#2 all the cartoons like "The jungle book" set a bad example of snakes to little kids
#3 they stare at you without blinking. The reason for that is because they don't have eyelids!
Hope this helps! A friend, Rachee
people dont under stand them the are good to have around they eat a lot of mice and rats
The other posts give some ideas. Quite honestly I don't know.
Keeping snakes for years I found them to be.very enjoyable pets; it also surprised me how many people had either phobias or strong revulsion to these quiet, clean, beautiful animals.
people r simply scared of their venom n they even think that their slimy an stuff.But u keep lovin them They r very cute.
I love snakes, I have 2. Some can be really pretty. But some snakes are poisonous/venomous so humans kill as a defence. Us as humans always spoil animals territory unfortunately. Snakes bite as a defence, so you should keep far away if you do not know the type.
Many people think they are slimey but are not.
You aint the hottest redneck ever! But some people are scared cause they dont want to be bit. Personaly I love snakes but my borfriends mom is terrified. We live in TN and we took a trip to Kentucky and she started crying cause a guy had a pet snake and had him really close to her.
The leather trade is thier worst enemy,but people usually hate snakes because they don't understand them and the role theyplay in the enviroment as rodent killer and pest control and not to mention that mostplaces in the public tend to exagerate their aggressivness.
Ok, well see some people think they hate snake s b/c they let their fear for them get in the way of actually trying to like them, if they actually trie it would be different, now some people really do hate them and usually it is b/c of something they have seen or had happened to them by or around a snake, though this isnt fair to a snake it also would not be fair to make someone who is TRULY scared hold a snake, I LOVE them, I was raised around them since the age of two and have loved them every since, I have a Blood Red Corn Snake now and her name is Valentine, I love her so much, but off that, so hope this helped with ur question, bye
most of them get bite nd they think they are going 2 get hurt aand snake r not friendly nd fun to play with
I am fascinated by the reptile world. A few months back I went to a snake farm and learnt heaps about them. They really are very interesting and beautiful creatures IMO. However, many people are attracted to the 'fluffy' kind of animals and not that I am dissing that (I have a cat myself) but ALL animals should be respected, not hated. What did they ever do to you?
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