Wednesday, July 29, 2009

how many tylenol 3 should i take to feel really good?

im gona need advice
A lot. I had tylenol 3, tylox, oxycotin, all the goodies after I had surgery, but its true what they say: after you have morphine, nothing else will satisfy
As many as your doctor prescribed for you to take in any given time period.
Why is your question in the animal section???
Don't take more than two. you'll feel just fine after one, but two will probably really make you feel groovy.

Don't take more than that or you might just feel sick, and it's not good for your liver.
umm if you're in pain as many as recommended on the bottle or what your doctor tells you to take. Honestly people who take more then what's recommended are doing more harm then good. If it's not working then find something else don't take more then recommended or you'll play for it later.
dear druggie,
One should not take an medication without first to rectify your illness. This is best accomplished through natural sources first. Such as,acupressure,proper diet and exercise, cold or hot applications ( cold first), and etc.
Take two %26 see if you can can remember your name. If you can, take another one %26 then play pick-up sticks with razor blades. If you don't bleed to death, take another one %26 try to catch an arrow. If the arrow doesn't blind you, take another one %26 drive to the Police Station %26 turn yourself in for drug abuse. Have a nice trip! (Finish off the rest of the pills before you get to the cop shop cause you'll need them for the headache jail's gonna give ya!)
Each Tylenol #3 has 30 mg codeine (with codeine being another violation of the i before e except after c rule and also not a real good drug except if you have a post nasal drip cough).
If you are taking it to 'feel good,' that depends on your level of tolerance. If you take to 'feel good' then you will quickly become tolerant %26 three Tylenol #3 will be the 'good' equivalent of eating candy. If you've never had it, three Tylenol #3 will make you pass out and vomit. Also, people who are younger and not experienced with codeine will commonly get severe migraine headache with exposure to codiene AND vomit.
Whatever source you are thinking of buying these from, don't do it. Tylenol #3 in the generic form is about as cheap as candy (with a valid prescription), so whatever you are thinking of paying, it is too much and you are getting ripped.
Taking a fast walk (especially if you do regularly) will give you a natural endorphin high that lasts longer %26 has a lot of other positive benefits.
I agree totally whi knew nick.
Call someone for help..
The whole bottle plus 3 shots of Jack Daniels
A whole bottle, of course.

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