Friday, July 31, 2009

I found a baby snapping turtle in my backyard near death? Ditch him or care for him??

Hes just a baby ..
Hes missing one leg and the other back one is bleeding
Hes very dirty
Given that he's injured, you might as well try..maybe call up a local wildlife rehabilitation group? A vet may be able to give you some numbers or names of a group like that.
care 4 him clean it up and feed him u will feel better about yourself
care for him. youll end up loving him. hell be a part of the family
ditch him he may have deasease or may snap at you let nature take it's course
He probably wont survive with you, if there is a zoo or wildlife preserve near your town take it there, if not release it into a safe pond, they are very good survivors on their own.
care for him
Caring for things always makes you feel better about yourself, do it!
Don't ditch him, he'll die. Give him a tank, large bowl. Keep water CLEAN. Go to pet store that actually deals with reptiles or vet and ask for a antiseptic and or anti-bacterial for wound. Feed him worms, insects. No veggies. No commercially prepared foodes, ie out of a can/bottle. Water not too deep. Place to get out of water, also. Heat lamp and reptile lamp most important.
Be careful, he will snap his jaws at you. If you can, take him to a vet that deals with reptiles. They will probably give him antibiotics and try to save him. If he doesn't die, he could probably go to a wildlife shelter for the rest of his life.
Call your city's animal care. I think that is what it is called.
Anyhow, I'm sure you know what I mean.
Keep an eye on him, but don't touch him. Animals in pain are not very happy campers.
Otherwise, just let him die. That sounds mean, but it would happen, even if you do not help him.
Is there a wild animal rehab near where you live? You may be surprised - I live in a smallish town and there is one here. Try calling a vet and asking for advice.

Most likely you won't be able to do much for the little thing. It's sad to find an animal in that condition, but I expect it won't live long if it has already lost a leg.

Be careful not to get bitten because snapping turtles can hurt you.
care for him if want to be moral or have the sadistic pleasure of leaving him to die. i recommend, if ur not a sadist, take care of him, but if ur sadistic, leave him to die. nevertheless take care of him or at least call the vet
'Dirty' is common for snappers- they like to hide in the bottom and ambush food as it moves past.

The poor thing was probably caught by a skunk, dog, or something while it was on land looking for new territorty.

The best thing for it is to be released back to a good pond so it can hide, rest, and recover. Snappers are incredibly tough and it will likely do just fine.

You can try to care for it until the wound heals, but honestly- nature is a far better nurse than we are unless we have experience in reptile rehabilitation.

Good luck!
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
take care of him
if I were you i would care for him
not a good idea, snapping turtle is mean no matter how small they are. find a nice lake and let him go, either he will live or not but most likely he will live.
Chances are he will not make it, but call a wildlife rehabilitator. Snapping turtles are NOT good pets, at all. Plus, saving an injured wild animal is almost impossible. Just picking him up adds to the problem.
Rinse him off, and put him into the pond or stream that you think he came from (it'll be nearby; snapping turtles don't generally wander away from water).
Call a local wildlife rescue group. Healthy turtles are hard to care for. Injured turtles are a lot harder. It's best for you and the turtle to let a professional deal with it.
if the injuries are that serious you can try to take it to a vet or to a local wildlife center where they can help rehab it to health.
if hes suffering you have to kill him quickly, i used to have a snapping turtle as a pet, they are really nice if you raise them from young age
Well, you should probably take him to the nearest vet available! KEEP YOUR FINGERS OUT OF REACH OF HIS MOUTH, HE MIGHT BITE THEM!! I would care for him and then let him go when he gets better, take him to a river or something that is their natural habitat!!
ummm maybe you dont know about taking care for an injured snapping turle..hand it in to The SPCA if you've heard of it or just hand it in a zoo..when you get in the zoo just tell them the injured areas and tell him where you found it and you're done..i suggest you do this as quick as possible or it will die
I think you should put the poor thing out of his misery. There is no way he will be able to survive without legs. You will be doing it a favor but ending it's suffering. I love animals, but I can't stand to see one suffer.

You may want to call your local wildlife rescue if u have one. Some snappers are endagered or protected. Maybe they will come get it.
i would try to save him or take him to a vet that specializes in reptiles they will be able to save him. they will get him better and then set him free.
you should care for him because he part of nature and imagine if you were that turtle near death someone would pick you up and care for it
Care for him crazy.
love,holly girl

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