Friday, July 31, 2009
I found a turtle in the street and I want to know what kind it is?
Gee, moron, can you try describing it?
it is probably what is called a box turtle or painted turtle.
tell us what it looks like! its probably a box turtle tho, they are the most common and i actually found mine on a street years ago
Well with out a description it`s hard to tell but it`s probably a box turtle
It is time to do some REASERCH!
Did you keep it? If so, you can take it to your local zoo or a pet store that sells reptiles and ask them. Or you could take a picture of it and "post" it on the Internet and ask for identification.
I just "googled" turtles and one site looks good:
so you might want to look there.
If you could give more details (what part of the country are you in, what does the turtle look like) I'm sure you'll get better answers from the people who read this. I'm very impressed with the knowledge I've read on Yahooo Answers and always learn something new.
Good luck!
By the way, turtles are considered to be "good luck" in many cultures.
since you didn`t say what it looked like i guess you will have to look it up yourself lol check out the link below
Be careful handling turtles they like chicken carry salmonela, after touching the turtle wash your hands. But most likely it's a box turtle but not knowing how big or small I really can't help
try this site :
it helped me finding out what kind my turte is.
i hope to help you.
you'll have to tell us more if you want help, what state are you in, what color, size, shape is the turtle?
if u found it in the road, it is probably a box turtle that crawled out of the woods. we found my box turtle in the road too.
I think that you should call it Frisbee.Idiot.
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