Thursday, July 30, 2009

i am interested in a snake/lizard?

I used to have a chinese water dragon. I still have the cage, with half water half land. Its a very good tank, with a pump, and everything. What would be a good snake/lizard to get that could live in this tank.

If possible, are there any good snake/lizards that don't stink up your house, and are easy to take care of, and will not bite.

I know its alot to ask for, but i hope someone knows.
corn or yellow rat snakes very friendly if hand raised don't need much care feed once per week clean monthly plaly with for 15,20 mins per day water every day spray mist daily. Most dont need special lighting requirements but will need heat pad and a cool area they can retreat to when too hot.
As for the snake end of it I would say a eastern king or a rat snake..

The lizard I would pick a bearded dragon..

Both very easy to care for and do not stink your home up ...
Most snakes and lizards could live in half and half, there are a few, but very few that won't. It all depends on the size of your cage to what kind of reptile to get, ball pythons are really good, I have had many including a bermese python. Ball pythons are one of the most docile(tame) snakes you can get. Any reptile will stink up the house if the cage is not cleaned out very often. ANY animal can and will bite if provoked.
A few tips however, never feed the snake in its cage, take the snake out and put it in the bathtub with a LIVE mouse or rat depending on the size of the snake, wait 20-30 mins if the mouse/rat is still there get it out! The mouse/rat will start to claw at or eat the eyes of the snake. The reason for putting it in the bathtub is because if you put it in the cage everytime you feed the snake then whats gonna happen when you open the cage to hold it, think its dinner time!
Also hold them everyday to keep them tame and used to you. Well hope this all helped you.
Good luck!
Id say go with a bearded dragon. you can get really cute baby ones from pet shops. that way its easier for you to get it used to a new surrounding.

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