Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to tell if your python is drinking enough.?

How do you tell if your snake drinks or not. I do have a pretty big water bowl about 7 inches away from where he usually perch/hides. My question is, how do u know if your python is drinking enough water without waiting until symptoms of dehydration shows? I've never seen him drink before.
Don't worry, they do drink. You just don't see it. I have a corn snake and I almost never see her drink unless I put her into the water sometimes, and that's only like once every few months. She's not dehydrated, so she's been drinking.

Snakes can smell the water with their tongue and Jacobson's organ, so they can find it, especially if it's only 7 inches away from where he usually is. They're not like mammals and don't have to drink as often.
most reptiles don't drink.. they absorb water through their skin.. usually they will lay in their water bowl when they need moisture..
snakes do drink water,just because you don't see it doesn't mean a thing,keep you water changed every two days,snakes don't drink through their skin there not a amphibian,its a reptile.I own 6 snakes and the only one I haven't seen drink is one of my ball pythons,they get some moister from their food,but they still need fresh water

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