Friday, July 31, 2009

I found a lizard in my house when I got home last night, how can I keep it alive?

It looks like it just hatched, about 2 inches long, has a banded tail and faint spots on the back, its light tan and extremely small.
10 gallon tank. with a screen at the top. put some carpet down for it. Add a uv and basking light . And try to hand feed it some small crickets
Let it stay in a cool dark place in your house and feed it
If you love it set it free. Or call a pet shop they could probably give you some help.
It probably has salmanilla(a disease).
Thoroughly wash your hands and anything it may have touched.
Like anything, it needs heat and light and water and food.
Reptiles need more heat since they are cold blooded.
You should, however let it go.
feed it dead flys or put a paint stripe let it go and see if it comes back.
Put it outside. return it to nature. however you want to say it. Any lizard that small will be nearly impossible to care for.
Go to a pet store buy an aquarium, gravel or bedding, a warming rock, hood with lizard (warming) light, lizard food, water bowl and a little book with a picture that looks like him. Read and learn. He will probably live as long as you give him water, the right kind of food and keep him warm. A little expensive to own and they don't do much. I guess they are fun to look at but they don't love you like a dog will.
what's a lizard doing in your house? do u raise lizards?
Lizards eat insects. Go to the pet store and get him some lizard food. And keep him in a fish tank with saw dust in it.
Keep it in a dark warm place, because lizards are cold blooded and need to be warm constantly. Put some different kinds of bugs in its living area, it might eat them. You can take it to a pet store and they might be able to suggest a food source.
the best thing is to set it back out side where you found it because alot of times the wild reptiles usually don't make it past the first 2-3 days if they are caught. it may seem cold outside but they will know where to go to keep warm. but if you want to try then you can put it in a critter keeper with a light on it for heat and put some soil on the bottom of the cage and maybe something for him to climb on, a water bowl but not to much water so he does not drown. does the little guy have blue stripes on the under side of him if he does then he is a blue belly but if not the best thing to do is to check online, reptile websites to see if you can tell what he is. good luck
I seen a lizard like that at my house. But he was on the outside.
But if I see one in my house!! It will be d e a d. I don't like animals like that.
OMG! Why on earth would you want to keep it alive??
Let it go.It can survive on it's own.
Put it outside. They take care of themselves.
If you want to keep it alive, you should set it free. The lizard will know how to keep itself alive by instinct.
Set it free,
that's whats best for the poor creature.

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