Friday, July 31, 2009

I found a baby turtle.?

He's little Alligator snapper. (I live in Northern Mi.) He's about the size of a poker chip. What do I feed him?
Mine likes to eat frito pie ,nachos, and loves sonic ft. long chili cheese dogs with cheese tatertots and french fries! sometimes some jalapeno poppers with ranch dressing,and a butterfinger blast!
I think you need to let it go back to a riverbed.
Have you considered breast feeding?
You need to put the poor little man back in his habitat
Lettuce, carrots, tiny tiny pieces.
If you have to keep him then try and search for it through the internet
unless he was in danger where he was you should have just left him there in the mean time just try going to a pet store and see if they have turtle food or give him lettuce or something
Alligator snappers eat fish.however, I'd go with petstore turtle food. You can also give crickets or something as a treat.
you should consult your local department of natural resources in the morning but if you want to wing it on your own I would catch a few live bugs from around where I found it and throw in some of the natural vegetation from that area.
They'll eat hamburger and hot dogs.
i dont suggest that u keep it. turtles gave give u salmonella, check with a vet or pet store, then with ur doctor to see if u may just have contracted salmonella.
probably Lev's
You should take him to the nature center at your local beach, maybe they can do something with him. I wouldn't keep it.
Let him go. They get massive, dangerous, and have very specific care requirements, and would need a ton of room once full grown. NOT a good pet. Also, they are protected in some states and it may be illegal to keep one where you live. They are wonderful animals, but deserve to live peacefully in their own habitat.
Buy him little feeder fish, or guppies they are really cheap when they are being used for food. Also try turtle food. I have a snapper and always feed him feeder fish. He's getting bigger, he's up to large feeders now.

Good luck
what the hell??

you find a kid playing with a ball by the park. you think "awww, shes soo cute! im gonna take her home and take great care of her!" mother comes by and is depressed because her baby is gone.

would you do that to a child and mother? dont do it to wild animals. they may look lonely and sad and cute-but when they grow up they become violent. and it will probably die since only mothers really kno how to take care of their young. plus its a snapper! hope it bites your fingers off.
Nothing you let it go where you found it and stop taking animals out of the wild that you don't know how to care for. If you keep it you'll kill it.
Alligator snappers are limited in range to the 'warm all year' swamps lands of the deep south, and are VERY protected by law. Are you sure it is not a Common snapper? ( )

Let it go. Baby wild-caught turtles are tough to care for well, and snappers, while good pets in many ways, are not a lot of fun for beginners.

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