Sunday, August 2, 2009

I have a 2 year old Venezuelan rainbow boa female that's not eating?

I've had her since she was 11 month's old, and this is the first time she gone without eating. I feed her every sunday at 4 pm, so her time table hasn't changed, her temperature and humidity haven't changed either. She doesn't appear to be sick, her pattern is the same, there no smells coming off her or out of her cage, she doesn't have mouth rot, she's shedding regularly. She's just not eating! She hasn't eating in two month's, so i'm beyound worried i'm getting scared! Her temperment is the same to, everything's the same with her, and her living enviroment. Could she be in hibernation? I give her fresh water every day, her house inside her cage is the right size for her, i clean her twice a week, the paper towels i use are the same brand i've always used. I buy her food at the same pet store. HELP!!
Boas are noted to be problem feeders at times and can go several months to a year without eating. I is common for them to slow or stop eating through the winter months,

Check that your husbandry is correct, especially your temps and continue to try to feed her at least once a week until she eats, then with her age your should probably be cutting back on her feeding schedule to every 10-14 days. Here is a basic care sheet on them
haha, im going through the same thing, its hibernation, with the change in weather ( if your in a winter seasoning area) they will eat alot less, theres no problem. wait till next week or a couple more and eventauly they will eat. if they dont spring isnt far away
try changing her diet offer the snake a different meall. if not buy an owl
Did she die? Maybe it is going through some illness, reptiles to get ill and when it breaks routine, then that is an indication something's not right
Snakes have an inner calendar that knows when winter is approaching - regardless of the temperature of her quarters. Snakes eat to live rather than live to eat. They do not get the enjoyment from eating that people do. When she's hungry again - closer to spring - she'll eat.
your snake is getting older and doesn't have to eat once a week any more!, but 2 moths is kind of a long time!! i feed mine once a month! may be she just isn't hungry! give her a week and try again! what do you feed it, live or dead? mine do better with live mice than dead!! i guess it's the killing instinks!:0
My snake done the same thing. He went three months without eating and it was just because he was not hungry. I fed him once a week also and he just got filled up.
i wouldn't worry about it if it does not loose any weight then its fine boas go on fasts all the time its nothing to worry about.
but if it starts losing weight then i would call a vet. a good healthy boa can go for a year without food.

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