Sunday, August 2, 2009

i have a 2 month old whip snake and i dont know how 2 tame it. i had a bigger 1 before and it was very tame?

I don't know why these people say to release all wild captured snakes. When I started collecting herps, there was no other way to obtain specimens, other than to capture them. Unless you're dealing with endangered species, there's nothing wrong with taking specimens from the wild. One major advantage is that if the snake will not feed or you no longer want it, you can always release it where you found it %26 regardless of what these "experts" tell you, these snakes have no difficulty resuming their "wild" life. The other is, they're free to acquire. The only thing I will agree with these "experts" on is that you need to handle your snake on a regular basis to establish a feeling of security. The snake will become familiar with your touch %26 scent and be less likely to bite or be skittish.
Well if it was wild caught i would let it go. But if you reall y want to keep it you have to work with it. Handel it as much as possible no fast movements. You have to show the snake that your not going to eat it or harm it. It will take time but just keep working with it. Good luck
You have to keep handling it .If it is biting you try wearing gloves.Handle it at least 1hr a day. After a few good handlings it should settle down a good bit.

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